Got a Question?

Please read over the FAQ's below. If you can't find the answer you're looking for our email is at the bottom of this page.

Shipping and Delivery

How does shipping and delivery work?

Once an order is placed, our team will collect your items from the heavens and package them with love and hugs. Although we will get your package shipped as soon as possible, please wait up to 24 hours for our team to finish processing your order.

As soon as your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number. There will also be a link you can click to track your order easily.

How can I track my order?

There will be a ‘Track Order’ button directly on your shipping confirmation email. Whenever you’re curious and want to see where your order is, head back to the shipping confirmation email.

If you haven’t receive a shipping email yet, your order is still being processed. Please be patient as our fulfillment team works tirelessly to get your order shipped.

Help! I think my order is lost!

Worried that your order was lost in transit? If your order isn’t showing up through the tracking link, your tracking number may update to advise of delayed delivery date.

Please give the tracking number time to update. If your item still hasn’t been delivered within 30 days, please contact us immediately so we can solve the issue.

Can I change my shipping address?

As long as your order isn’t shipped out already, we’ll be happy to change the shipping address. Send us an email with the new order details and we’ll make the modification to your order.

Do you ship internationally?

Of course! We’re thrilled to offer international shipping to all the wonderful corners of the globe. If you don’t see your country listed on the checkout form, don’t worry! Just shoot us an email, and we’ll make sure to accommodate you with a smile. Your satisfaction knows no borders, and neither does our dedication to serving you!

Product Questions

Will you restock sold out items?

Missed out on your favorite product? Don’t worry, we continuously restock all of our products. So keep an eye on the website for when they’ll be available again.

Do you take suggestion or custom designs?

We thoroughly enjoy receiving ideas and suggestions from our community! Feel free to share your artistic vision with us, and we’ll do our best to bring your idea to fruition. Please note, while we’re eager to explore your concepts, we cannot guarantee that every design will be realized. Additionally, at this time, we’re not providing custom design services.

Do you offer wholesale or bulk purchase discounts?

We exclusively sell our products through our online store and unfortunately do not provide wholesale discounts for resale purposes. However, if you’re interested in making a large personal purchase, we’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to reach out to us via email at the bottom of this page, and we’ll be more than happy to assist you further!

Can I send an item as a gift?

Have someone in mind that deserves an incredible tapestry? We offers the perfect gifts! You can ship the item directly to your lucky friend by entering their address as the shipping address. Then, enter your own address as the billing address.

Returns and Exchanges

Do you have a return policy?

We do offer returns for 30 days after the item reaches its destination. However, not all items are eligible. Any exclusions will be mentioned on product pages and/or at checkout.

To be eligible for a return:

1. Item(s) have to be initiated for return within 30 days of delivery or receiving of order.

2. Item(s) must be in original packaging.

This includes any tags, cards, or wrapping, unoppened. You will be asked to provide a photo of the item you want to send back so we can assess the condition of the order.

Contact with your order details to begin the returns process via the email address at the bottom of this page.

How long do I have to return the items?

We understand that you may have forgotten about the return even though the item is still in mint condition. This is why we offer a 30 day return period to get your item shipped back to us. Please refer to our ‘Delivery and returns‘ policy for more information

Can I return my order for a refund?

Absolutely! While we’re confident you’ll fall in love with our products, we understand they might not be for everyone. That’s why we offer a 30-day return policy. To initiate a return, your item must be in its original condition, unused, with tags, and in its original packaging. Please ensure you have your receipt or proof of purchase handy. In cases where the item is returned without the original packaging or is deemed unsuitable by our inspection team, we reserve the right to refuse a refund.

Can I exchange my order for a different item?

For a swift exchange, we recommend returning the item and placing a new order separately once your return is processed and accepted.

Do I need to pay for returns?

It depends. We will only provide a free return shipping label if you provide evidence that your product is defective or if there is another issue with your product. Please contact via the email address provided at the bottom of this page.

How long does it take for my return/exchange to be processed?

We’re putting in tremendous effort behind the scenes to ensure smooth processing of products at our fulfillment centers. We highly advise sending a photo of your post office receipt as confirmation that your return has been initiated. Once we receive your return, we’ll promptly begin processing it.

How long does it take for my refund to be processed?

We’re truly saddened to see you go! Once your refund has been successfully processed, keep an eye out for an email confirming the completion of the process on our end. From there, it typically takes 2-5 business days for the funds to make their way into your bank account. We appreciate your understanding and wish you all the best on your journey ahead!


Is my payment secure?

Your security and privacy is our highest priority. We use Paypal Payments which is an extremely secure and encrypted payment system designed to protect customers and also hold merchants accountable.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept the standard payment methods, such as credit cards (Visa/Mastercard/American Express) as well as debit cards.

How can I use my discount code?

Discount codes make online shopping way more fun! If you have a discount code you’re excited to use, simply head to our checkout page. There will be a box for you to enter your discount code in – make sure your click ‘Apply’ and you see how much you saved with the discount code.

I forgot to use my discount code!

If you forgot to use your discount code and already made a purchase, don’t worry! Simply email our lovely team via email at the bottom of this page and we will be happy to correct this issue for you.

What currency do we accept?

All pricing for our store is listed in United States Dollars (USD).

Contact Us

I have an issue with my order, what should I do?

Is there something bothering you about your order? Fear not! Our friendly team is here to swoop in and save the day!

Simply drop us an email using the address found at the bottom of this page, and be sure to provide us with all the details about the issue. Additionally, including photos would greatly assist us in resolving the matter swiftly and effectively. We’re committed to making things right for you!

I want to cancel or change my order!

No need to fret! We completely understand that circumstances can shift in the blink of an eye. Simply shoot us an email right away with the subject line ‘CHANGE’ or ‘CANCEL’, and we’ll jump into action to assist you in any way we can.

If your order has already embarked from our fulfillment center, you’ll need to follow our returns process.

We always strive to expedite your order promptly, which sometimes means it may be processed before we receive your change request. While we can’t guarantee alterations after the order is placed, we’re here to support you every step of the way. So, please choose your products mindfully. Your satisfaction is our top priority!

How can I contact you?

While we’d absolutely adore the chance to FaceTime with each and every one of you, unfortunately, that’s just not feasible. However, the most effective way to get in touch with us is via email, conveniently located at the bottom of this page. This method allows us to maintain a record of our conversation, ensuring we’re always in the loop regarding your needs.

We kindly ask for your patience after sending your inquiry. Rest assured, we’re committed to responding as swiftly as we can, working diligently to assist you promptly. Your understanding and support mean the world to us!

Need More Help?

Send us a message at contact @ if you have any further questions!

Email is the best way of contacting us so we can store our conversation with you in one convenient location.